Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1462 waits for a new service with some wagons at the station of Pampilhosa, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1447 waits for the next service at Entroncamento, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1442 shunting an Inter City on Line 3 at Lisboa - Santa Apolónia, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1457 ready to shunt the Talgo Tren hotel that arrived from Madrid on Line 2 at Lisboa - Santa Apolónia, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1424 running the Douro Historic train stops at Pinhão, Douro line, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1424 performs the Presidential train nr. 20890 passing by Santos station (Cascais Line), Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1413 leads the Presidential train to Castelo Branco at the Sarnadas station, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1413 with the Presidential train towards Castelo Branco passes by the Fratel dam, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1413 runs a special train towards Cascais. Santos station, Lisboa, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1427 pulling a special train with English Electric CP1413 on tail passing by Alcântara - Mar towards Cais do Sodré, Lisbon, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1429 shunting two empty ballast wagons at Entroncamento, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1427 puts things in place on line 3 at Santa Apolónia station, Lisboa, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1466 performs a special train for the Portuguese Army. Bemposta, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1466 shunting some wagons with armoured cars from the Portuguese Army after some exercises. Ponte de Sôr, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1413 with a special train (1 carriage and English Electric CP1427) on the way to Cascais line passing by Campolide - A, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: A pair of English Electric leaded by CP1415 shunting some Transfesa wagons at Pampilhosa station, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric 1428 pulling a ballast train at Poceirão, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1413 pulling an InterCity from Oporto stops at Régua station in the Douro line, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1428 pulls a container train from Alcântara - Terra to the Port of Lisbon crossing several roads and the Cascais suburban line. Alcântara, Lisbon, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1428 pulls a container train from Alcântara - Terra to the Port of Lisbon crossing several roads and the Cascais suburban line. Alcântara, Lisbon, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1413 manoeuvering the steam locomotive CP0187 at Lisboa - Santa Apolónia, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1424 waits with the Historical Douro train to return to Régua. Tua, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric 1461 leads the 13960 PTG Tours charter train consisting of 3 Schindler (519421-22003, 519419-22040, 519419-22043) and 1436 (off) passing at Jerumelo (West Line), Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1415 perfoming the service train nr. 31409 on the way to Carcavelos depot to pick up an EMU of Cascais Line for repair, pictured at Cruz Quebrada, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1415 perfoming the service train nr. 31410 while pulling the EMU 3268 to Campolide works for repairs. Caught on picture at Paço de Arcos (Cascais line), Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric CP1415 perfoming the service train nr. 31412 while pulling the EMU 3268 to Campolide works for repairs. Caught on picture at Campolide-A, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: English Electric 1435 with Medway train nr. 95205 composed by machinery from railway maintenance company Mota-Engil passing by Virtudes, Portugal
Nelson Pombeiro: A pair of English Electric, composed by "mooses" 1450 and 1463 running the Medway train nr. 74860 loaded with long-bar rail passing by Sabugo, Portugal