botanicalfreedom: Zodiac - Aquarius - The Water Pourer
botanicalfreedom: Zodiac - Capricornus - "Goat-horned" (The Sea-Goat)
botanicalfreedom: Zodiac - Scorpio - The Scorpion
botanicalfreedom: Zodiac - Pisces - The Fish
botanicalfreedom: Zodiac - Aries - The Ram
botanicalfreedom: Zodiac - Gemini - The Twins
botanicalfreedom: Zodiac - Taurus - The Bull
botanicalfreedom: Zodiac - Libra - The Scales
botanicalfreedom: Zodiac - Sagittarius - The Archer
botanicalfreedom: Zodiac - Virgo - The Virgin
botanicalfreedom: Zodiac - Leo - The Lion
botanicalfreedom: Zodiac - Cancer - The Crab