The Bacher Family: Perfect form (2.0)
The Bacher Family: Lupine in the rain (5.5)
The Bacher Family: Death Valley farewell (1.5)
The Bacher Family: Gloria in excelsis Deo
The Bacher Family: Moon over the Ferris Wheel (1.10)
The Bacher Family: The Hills of old Reliance (0.5)
The Bacher Family: Into the clear blue sky (0.5)
The Bacher Family: Flowers in the fog (1.5)
The Bacher Family: Sunrise fire
The Bacher Family: Mid-winter in Alder Lake Park
The Bacher Family: Crater Lake from Watchman Peak (0.25.3)
The Bacher Family: Crater Lake Rogue (0.10)
The Bacher Family: Sunset April '95
The Bacher Family: 6I8A8167b_11
The Bacher Family: Jessica on the Golden Gate Trail
The Bacher Family: Jessica 8116
The Bacher Family: 6I8A8237_12
The Bacher Family: 6I8A8355b_10
The Bacher Family: Rhododendron blooms
The Bacher Family: Rhododendron
The Bacher Family: Hand of fate