The Bacher Family:
On top of the world
The Bacher Family:
Above the clouds
The Bacher Family:
The Bacher Family:
Ranger Maginnis
The Bacher Family:
The Mountain in his mind's eye (1.0)
The Bacher Family:
Self-portrait in sunglasses
The Bacher Family:
Camping Adventures at Mount Rainier
The Bacher Family:
Under the flat hat
The Bacher Family:
No such thing as a bad hair day
The Bacher Family:
The Bacher Family:
Junior Ranger
The Bacher Family:
Liberty in the campground
The Bacher Family:
The Bacher Family:
The Bacher Family:
The Bacher Family:
Megan: on the beach (1.0)
The Bacher Family:
Rachel on the beach (1.0)
The Bacher Family:
The Bacher Family:
The embers in her eyes
The Bacher Family:
Red and gray
The Bacher Family:
Perfect form (2.0)
The Bacher Family:
Ann at Klipsan Beach
The Bacher Family:
Megan at Klipsan Beach (0.5)
The Bacher Family:
Portrait of Megan at Klipsan Beach
The Bacher Family:
The Bacher Family:
It's all about attitude
The Bacher Family:
Hands-on experience (2.0)
The Bacher Family:
Embracing the experience
The Bacher Family:
Lisa and Jon
The Bacher Family:
Brothers (1.0)