BabylonVillagePhotos: Ducks. What are these guys?
BabylonVillagePhotos: Follow the leader!
BabylonVillagePhotos: Gosling/Goose
BabylonVillagePhotos: Stuck between a rock and... MAMA!
BabylonVillagePhotos: Crested Duck. If using as powder puff, proceed with caution
BabylonVillagePhotos: Crested Duck. Fresh from the hair dresser.
BabylonVillagePhotos: Does this hat look okay?
BabylonVillagePhotos: Rested Duck : )
BabylonVillagePhotos: Happy Dance!
BabylonVillagePhotos: Gulls on Ice: Mirror, mirror in the puddle, who can fly, like the space shuttle?
BabylonVillagePhotos: Gulls on Ice: I love you mon ami!
BabylonVillagePhotos: Close up and personal.
BabylonVillagePhotos: Gulls on Ice: I'm so tired of all this!
BabylonVillagePhotos: Birds EYE view!
BabylonVillagePhotos: Village People. Love.
BabylonVillagePhotos: Village People. Love.
BabylonVillagePhotos: Village People. Love.
BabylonVillagePhotos: Village People.
BabylonVillagePhotos: Village Swan.
BabylonVillagePhotos: Village Dogs.
BabylonVillagePhotos: Village People. Woman, dog.