Trysha.: Went to Lowes for a coffee stand. Left with the orange flowers in the front. Win!
Trysha.: He thinks it's funny that I've had a martini and now I want to take selfies. Wait until he gets to college.
Trysha.: Started my morning off on the front porch with coffee while it rained. Then kids started fighting, the dishwasher won't work and the kitchen sink won't drain. And the dogs got out, ran down the alley and around the corner and scared a woman. I found them
Trysha.: Stand back. I'm going to try science! (He's testing four different waters for cleanliness. In one of his samples, something hatched and could be seen swimming around with the naked eye. It was grody) #scienceproject #fourthgradescience
Trysha.: A cabinet just for coffee stuff!
Trysha.: Backyards need dogs and soccer goals and dogs need shade trees.
Trysha.: "Think today will be the day you unpack the kitchen?" If I unpack it, that means I have to start cooking again. Sigh
Trysha.: New view
Trysha.: It's officially official
Trysha.: Get ready for a lot of baseball photos.
Trysha.: New sunglasses. It was a battle I was going to lose in Walgreens.
Trysha.: First t-ball practice. We willingly handed him a bat. questionable parenting decision right there
Trysha.: Yeah, I'm pretty stoked about this kid.
Trysha.: First homework assignment.
Trysha.: This kid is pretty damn cool.
Trysha.: The packing continues. As soon as this is unpacked, margaritas will follow. Yes.
Trysha.: VIM. Very Important Mug @eelammeemmergie
Trysha.: #tbt George Jetson and Dug. I knew then that Dug was the one for us (the light one on the bottom) and George has been an added bonus. Don't know what one would do without the other. #goldenretriever #dogstagram
Trysha.: Brace yourself. Soccer season is here
Trysha.: 45/365 I got flowers for valentines day...then I broke one. I'm why we can have nice things.
Trysha.: 42/365
Trysha.: 38/365 soccer is back.
Trysha.: 35/365 How very Rembrandt of you, Dug. My older two boys have asked me to no longer post photos of them. Their friends are now on Facebook and Instagram (age-restriction or not, fact is they are) so here is a photo of on
Trysha.: 34/365 home, dinner, done. Mondays are hard
Trysha.: 33/365 Legos on a SNOOOOOOOW DAYYYYYYYY. (Said in my best Oprah voice)
Trysha.: 28/365 big and mini
Trysha.: 27/365
Trysha.: 26/365 rare sight of Caedon playing the xbox and it's not minecraft. #minininjas
Trysha.: 23/365
Trysha.: 22/365 key lime pie for the oldest kiddos birthday.