babycatlow: Got guac?
babycatlow: No hands in the guac please
babycatlow: Guac is yummy but messy
babycatlow: What a mess
babycatlow: Just chillin'
babycatlow: Come to baby!
babycatlow: I eat guac by the spoonful
babycatlow: Cleaning up the bowls
babycatlow: Salty goodness
babycatlow: Tostitos spokesmodel
babycatlow: Daddy is so funny
babycatlow: Chips are yummy!
babycatlow: Panther Pride at Day Care
babycatlow: Slurping syrup
babycatlow: Jelly time
babycatlow: Waffle mouth
babycatlow: Balancing Act
babycatlow: Spoon fed
babycatlow: Getting dressed
babycatlow: Laundry time
babycatlow: Foofa!
babycatlow: Don't forget Brobee
babycatlow: Where are we going?
babycatlow: Feeding myself now
babycatlow: Jersey sausage is yummy
babycatlow: Not enough luck for the Panthers
babycatlow: Lil Rachael Ray
babycatlow: DSC03600
babycatlow: A true Southerner who hates the snow
babycatlow: It's not supposed to snow here