babycatlow: Not wearing pink for a day
babycatlow: Do I look good in Giants blue?
babycatlow: Ha! Giants made the playoffs
babycatlow: Fair Weather Fan
babycatlow: Playoffs!?!
babycatlow: Another football game is on?!
babycatlow: Football Fans
babycatlow: Got my Giants gear on
babycatlow: Hey Tony....
babycatlow: Nah! It's Becca!
babycatlow: My BFF Jessica
babycatlow: Game on yet?
babycatlow: Go Giants!
babycatlow: What's this thing???
babycatlow: My football
babycatlow: Brrr.......
babycatlow: It's cold in Green Bay
babycatlow: Giants win the Superbowl!!