Babs1696: in the mirror.......126/365
Babs1696: eye 1.....127/365
Babs1696: anakin....128/365
Babs1696: warning.....129/365
Babs1696: the staredown......130/365
Babs1696: eye/sunglasses....131/365
Babs1696: Kitten......132/365
Babs1696: 133/365
Babs1696: Happy Mother's Day!......134/365
Babs1696: Monday morning reflections...135/365
Babs1696: you must be "still" before you can "see".......136/365
Babs1696: receiving the light...........137/365
Babs1696: in the light........138/365
Babs1696: WHAT did you say to me?...........139/365
Babs1696: "I thought it said....."-----140/365
Babs1696: zoom-zoom 141/365
Babs1696: Cheers!.....142/365
Babs1696: Hindsight.....143/365
Babs1696: inside looking out.....145/365
Babs1696: not guilty.....146/365
Babs1696: Towel Day......148/365
Babs1696: Memorial Day Silliness....149/365
Babs1696: untitled.....150/365
Babs1696: UPS man brings goodies......151/365
Babs1696: prisms 2....153/365
Babs1696: haircut, finally! (and Belk's "DHB")....154/365