babakotoeu: The type of ferry that transports people and vehicles from San Jorge to Isla Ometepe [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Isla Ometepe (Ometepe Island) is an island, with two volcanoes, in the huge Lago Nicaragua. It is a travellers destination, but still not overrun [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Arrival on Isla Ometepe with the ferry from San Jorge [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Main street in Moyogalpa [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: There is public transport on Isla Ometepe, but it is limited. However, there is a fixed schedule which makes planning easy [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Main street in the village of Altagracia [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Many people on Isla Ometepe still live a very basic life [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Inter-village transport [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: The dirt track between Moyogalpa and Altagracia (northern loop) [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Volcán Concepción seen from the Moyogalpa-Altagracia road [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Collected wood is transported by cow & cart [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Livestock transport [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Bulls on the side of the dirt track between Moyogalpa and Altagracia [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Volcán Concepción [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Howler Monkeys are common on the island and you will almost defintely spot a few [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: The legs are often the means of transport to travel between villages [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: A great hike of approximately 16 km goes from Altagracia to Moyogalpa (northern loop). It is a great way to experience rural life on the island [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: The top of Volcán Concepción is often obscured by clouds [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Lazy Howler Monkey in the Charco Verde Reserve [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: View on Volcán Maderas from Charco Verde Reserve [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: One of the most seen residents of the island: White-throated Magpie-Jay [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Un on a rented scooter [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Harbour of Moyogalpa, the harbour where most ferries arrive [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: View on Volcan Concepción, seen from the boat, on our way back to the mainland [Isla Ometepe / Nicaragua]