babakotoeu: Our first visit to Indonesia was in 2008 when we got our Indonesian introduction when we arrived at the airport of Aceh in northern Sumatra [Banda Aceh / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Banda Aceh was hit in 2004 by a big Tsunami. By the time we visited, the town was bounced back again and everything looked quite normal. [Banda Aceh / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Motercycle taxi [Banda Aceh / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: The public transport infrastructure in Sumatra was still very basic. Roads are in bad condition, making long trips unavoidable [Banda Aceh / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Our room in Banda Aceh [Banda Aceh / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: The Baiturrahman Grand Mosque [Banda Aceh / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Tricycle Moto-taxi's are still very popular way of transport in Indonesia [Banda Aceh / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Indonesian roads in Sumatra are not very comfortable, but drivers still drive as fast as they can ... and that makes some people sick [Banda Aceh / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: On the way with the minibus from Takengon to Ketembe [Sumatra / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: A late in the afternoon view on the rainforest of Gunung Leuser NP in Ketembe [Ketembe / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Ketembe village, in the middle of Gunung Leuser NP is a perfect base to see the national park [Ketembe / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: The area around the village of Ketembe in the Gunung Leuser NP is one of the best places in Indonesia to see the Orang Utan in its natural habitat [Ketembe / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: A curious Orang Utan and her baby looking at us in the Guning Leuser NP [Ketembe / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Exploring the Gunung Leuser NP is not an easy walk. In this part of the park there aren't any paths, so you have to find your own way. Use a guide! [Ketembe / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Also the Gunung Leuser NP in Sumatra is threatened by deforestation [Ketembe / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: An Oriental Pied Hornbill in Gunung Leuser NP [Ketembe / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: A Rhinoceros Hornbill in Gunung Leuser NP [Indonesia]
babakotoeu: To get the most out of a visit to the Gunung Leuser NP, it is wise to hire a local guide [Ketembe / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Huge trees [Gunung Leuser NP / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Gung Leuser NP is one of the main travellers destinations in Sumatra [Ketembe / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Jungle flower [Gunung Leuser NP / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: In some parts of the Gunung Leuser NP, leeches are a pain in the ass [Ketembe / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Fungus [Gunung Leuser NP / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Dragonfly [Gunung Leuser NP / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Orang Utan searching for food [Gunung Leuser NP / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: The Zanna nobilis is specialised in camouflage [Gunung Leuser NP / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Waiting till some food drops in [Gunung Leuser NP / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Crossing a little river [Gunung Leuser NP / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: Hi, who's there [Gunung Leuser NP / Indonesia]
babakotoeu: What a great creature! [Gunung Leuser NP / Indonesia]