babakotoeu: Disinfection chamber [Auschwitz / Poland]
babakotoeu: Peek into the gas chamber [Majdanek / Poland]
babakotoeu: Control room from where the gas was released to the gas chamber, including a small window to see if everybody is dead [Majdanek / Poland]
babakotoeu: Gas chamber with the gas pipes along the walls [Majdanek / Poland]
babakotoeu: Map with all the Nazi transport, concentration and extermination camps [Majdanek / Poland]
babakotoeu: Pictures of victimes who lost their life in Majdanek [Majdanek / Poland]
babakotoeu: Cremation building [Majdanek / Poland]
babakotoeu: Table on where dead bodies were searched for valuables like golden teeth [Majdanek / Poland]
babakotoeu: Cremation ovens [Majdanek / Poland]
babakotoeu: Fence of Majdanek camp [Majdanek / Poland]
babakotoeu: Monument at Majdanek camp [Majdanek / Poland]
babakotoeu: Infamous Auschwitz gate [Auschwitz / Poland]
babakotoeu: Death wall [Auschwitz / Poland]
babakotoeu: Artificial limbs taken from the victims just before they were killed [Auschwitz / Poland]
babakotoeu: Personal belongings of killed jews [Auschwitz / Poland]
babakotoeu: Hallway with pictures of victims in one of the many barracks [Auschwitz / Poland]
babakotoeu: Pictures of victims of Nazi terror [Auschwitz / Poland]
babakotoeu: Gas chamber [Auschwitz / Poland]
babakotoeu: Cremation ovens [Auschwitz / Poland]
babakotoeu: Railroad to hell [Birkenau / Poland]
babakotoeu: Some wooden barracks survived [Auschwitz / Poland]
babakotoeu: Silent witnesses of the many barracks that once stood in Birkenau to house the prisoners in terrible conditions [Birkenau / Poland]
babakotoeu: More than a million people are killed in Auschwitz/Birkenau [Birkenau / Poland]
babakotoeu: There was no way to escape [Birkenau / Poland]
babakotoeu: Picture made by the SS to portrait the selection process that took place on the train platform, just after arrival [Birkenau / Poland]
babakotoeu: Ruins of gas chamber complex with tourists in the background [Birkenau / Poland]
babakotoeu: Nowadays people walk freely on the platform on where more than a million people arrived during WWII to be exterminated in Birkenau camp [Birkenau / Poland]
babakotoeu: Family pictures of victims [Birkenau / Poland]