baabuzz: Linotype Machine
baabuzz: What a typestters desk used to look like
baabuzz: Linotype machine
baabuzz: Linotype machine
baabuzz: Linotype machine
baabuzz: Making hot metal type
baabuzz: Printing Press
baabuzz: Typemaking tools
baabuzz: More typemaking tools
baabuzz: Printing Press
baabuzz: Typesetting Machine
baabuzz: Some cast metal typefaces
baabuzz: Boxes of metal typecasts
baabuzz: Heidelberg Printing Press
baabuzz: Heidelberg Printing Press
baabuzz: Lithographic blocks
baabuzz: Heidelberg Printing Press
baabuzz: Ancient typesetting machine
baabuzz: Hand printing press
baabuzz: Ancient hand printing press
baabuzz: Manual (hand and foot) rpinting press
baabuzz: some nice type posters