robotbraden: darkening the doorstep of another day
robotbraden: the truck
robotbraden: apparition...
robotbraden: DSCN1432+
robotbraden: "sundial"
robotbraden: jesus dont want me for a sunbeam...
robotbraden: a strand of light suspended from a thumbtack in the drywall...
robotbraden: scurb?
robotbraden: workin for a holiday wage...
robotbraden: i put the b in blur
robotbraden: miscellany
robotbraden: alternate camera angle
robotbraden: im sure many children are probably "allergic" to beer
robotbraden: this is what freedom looks like...
robotbraden: this also (depending on your political or national alignment) is what freedom looks like
robotbraden: daylight through yonder floor breaks
robotbraden: depth of feeling
robotbraden: all your cokes in a row