SRP Austin Photography:
Entering Gulpha Gorge in Hot Springs Arkansas
SRP Austin Photography:
Scenic Highway 7 North in Arkansas
SRP Austin Photography:
The Ozark Lithia Cemetary in Walnut Valley Arkansas
SRP Austin Photography:
Ethel Blanche Anders Ellis - 1911- 2009
SRP Austin Photography:
The daughter and her daughter in law
SRP Austin Photography:
The headstones o'my ancesters
SRP Austin Photography:
Penelapy Terry 1838 - 1910 "Rest mother rest in quiet sleep, while friends in sorrow o'er thee weep"
SRP Austin Photography:
SRP Austin Photography:
Infant Grave
SRP Austin Photography:
Mary Davis - 1867 - 1939
SRP Austin Photography:
Frank G Davis 1892 - 1982
SRP Austin Photography:
Martha Davis Anders 1888 - 1978
SRP Austin Photography:
James F Anders 1880-1953
SRP Austin Photography:
Nathan Terry - 1866 - 1/9/1939 (Reversed 'N')
SRP Austin Photography:
Hand carved stone - Willie Griffith - 8/18/1906 - 11/19/1923
SRP Austin Photography:
Joe and Penelapy Terry
SRP Austin Photography:
Frank M. Anders 1851-1914