Anni - with camera - away for a little bit: The beauty of White orchids.....palest green bud caps complementing the pure white and the gorgeous orange and yellow throat.....
Anni - with camera - away for a little bit: Phaius tankervilleae - Swamp orchid
Anni - with camera - away for a little bit: Cattleya - Maris Song x Topaz Dancer
Anni - with camera - away for a little bit: White Cattleya orchid with a little visitor.....
Anni - with camera - away for a little bit: Levitating orchids............blame the fairies
Anni - with camera - away for a little bit: The beauty of lilac and mauve orchids...
Anni - with camera - away for a little bit: Cruciform or Crucifix Orchid - Epidendrum.
Anni - with camera - away for a little bit: Oncidium orchid a beautiful orchid that to me looks as though someone has put together the petals and then gently touched them with watercolour paints.
Anni - with camera - away for a little bit: A white orchid looking for company......
Anni - with camera - away for a little bit: Delicate white orchids.....