AzyxA: Gir
AzyxA: People filter in...
AzyxA: Ann and Jonas examine the Dogfish World Wide Stout
AzyxA: IMG_4095
AzyxA: In the kitchen as usual
AzyxA: Becky's hand
AzyxA: Hangin out
AzyxA: Pile o coats
AzyxA: Party
AzyxA: Ashley
AzyxA: Party
AzyxA: Put the damn camera down...
AzyxA: Justin loves having his picture taken
AzyxA: Justin throws bad gang signs
AzyxA: Blurry Jonas
AzyxA: Jackie & Chet
AzyxA: Eclair Cake & other exciting foods
AzyxA: Gayle laughs at me...
AzyxA: Brian & Becky take off
AzyxA: Kevin & the Watters sisters depart
AzyxA: Jonas the gentleman
AzyxA: Justin makes terrible faces as usual
AzyxA: Smily Vivian
AzyxA: The crowd thins...
AzyxA: Intermission
AzyxA: Chillin on the couch
AzyxA: Gir blur
AzyxA: Chesley plays with Gir
AzyxA: Chris takes a tea break
AzyxA: Chris