azyalg { Little Twinkles Photography }: "Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
azyalg { Little Twinkles Photography }: "The consequence of this is that I'm always finding humans at their best and worst. I see their ugly and their beauty, and I wonder how the same thing can be both"
azyalg { Little Twinkles Photography }: If I could find a real life place to make me feel like Tiffany's, then I'd buy some furniture and give the cat a name!
azyalg { Little Twinkles Photography }: This is to Judy and Riena.. We miss you!
azyalg { Little Twinkles Photography }: "Remember if people talk behind your back, it only means you are two steps ahead."
azyalg { Little Twinkles Photography }: "Don't wake up one day wishing you'd tried."