Pass the Pocky: Paris Hotel and Casino
Pass the Pocky: Seafood Wall
Pass the Pocky: Caesars Palace
Pass the Pocky: Bellagio
Pass the Pocky: Fountains at Bellagio
Pass the Pocky: Fountains at Bellagio
Pass the Pocky: Asian Ice Creams
Pass the Pocky: Paris Hotel and Casino seen from the strip
Pass the Pocky: Coca Cola's Tastes of the World.
Pass the Pocky: Costumes
Pass the Pocky: Gigantic Winter Peacock
Pass the Pocky: Treasure Island Hotel and Casino
Pass the Pocky: Kinda scary and cool at the same time!!!
Pass the Pocky: Jelly Belly
Pass the Pocky: Las Vegas Strip
Pass the Pocky: How's this for a plate...shoyu ramen, macarons, & chocolate covered strawberries
Pass the Pocky: Frrrrozen Hot Chocolate
Pass the Pocky: Seafood Plate
Pass the Pocky: Dessert Plate
Pass the Pocky: Dessert Table
Pass the Pocky: MGM Grand Hotel and Casino
Pass the Pocky: Venetian Hotel and Casino
Pass the Pocky: Winnie and Buck...Vegas "royalty"
Pass the Pocky: Oreo Frrrrozen Hot Chocolate
Pass the Pocky: Breakfast Burger B.E.C
Pass the Pocky: The One & Only Las Vegas Strip Streak Breakfast Sandwich
Pass the Pocky: Las Vegas Street Performer
Pass the Pocky: Paris Hotel and Casino
Pass the Pocky: Mirage Hotel and Casino