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Catedral de Salamanca
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Torre Mocha / Mocha Tower モチャの塔
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Torre Mocha / Mocha Tower モチャの塔
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Las torres de la Catedral / Towers of the Cathedral 大聖堂の塔
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Portada del Nacimiento / Door of the Holy Birth 誕生の門
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Fachada Principal / Main facade メインファサード
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Fachada Principal メインファサード
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decoración 飾り
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Catedral Nueva 新カテドラル
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Catedral Nueva / New Cathedral 新カテドラル
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Catedral Nueva 新カテドラル
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Fachada Principal y La Torre de las Campanas
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La Torre de las Campanas / Bell Towers 鐘の塔
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Catedral Nueva / New Cathedral 新カテドラル
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Nave Central / central nave 身廊
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Retablo Mayor / Major altarpiece 祭壇画
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lado occidental de la Catedral / west side of cathedral カテドラルの西側の街並み
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Catedral Nueva y Torre del Gallo(Catedral Vieja) 新カテドラルと雄鶏の塔(旧カテドラル)
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Torre de Gallo / The Windvane Tower 雄鶏の塔
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rosetón / rose window バラ窓
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frescos フレスコ画
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techo / ceiling 天井
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el fondo occidental de la Nave / the western bottom of the Nave 身廊の西端
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techo / ceiling 天井
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Las torres de la Catedral / Towers of the Cathedral 塔
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¿Es posible atravesar? / Is it possible to pass through? 通り抜け可能?
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hacia El Tormes / toward The River Tormes 眼下にトルメス川を臨む
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Torre de Gallo / The Windvane Tower 雄鶏の塔
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Nave Central / central nave 身廊
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vidriera / stained glass ステンドグラス