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al final del día / at the end of the day 一日の終わりに
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Estadio Nuevo Arcángel ヌエボ・アルカンヘル・スタジアム
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tapa / cover 蓋
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noria / waterwheel 水車
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muralla y la Torre de Leones / castle wall & the Tower of Lions 城壁とライオンの塔
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la Mezquita(visto por fuera) メスキータの外観
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Puente Romano / Roman Bridge ローマ橋
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muro de la Mezquita/ wall of the Mezquita メスキータの壁
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puerta / gate 門
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luz / light 灯り
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altar 祭壇
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la Catedral / the Cathedral カテドラル
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Altar Mayor(parte superior) / high altar(upper part) 主祭壇(上部)
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dentro de la caja transparente / in the tranparent case 透明ケースの中に
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escudo / coat of arms 紋章
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nave cristianismo / Chiristian nave キリスト教の身廊
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bóveda / vault 丸天井
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techo de la nave / ceiling of the nave 天井
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Virgen María / Virgin Mary 聖母マリア
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Jesús y arcos / Jesus & arches
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capilla / capel 礼拝堂
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capilla(techo) / chapel(ceiling) 礼拝堂(天井)
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capilla / chapel 礼拝堂
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No fumar / No Smoking 禁煙
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ruinosa / crumbled 崩れかかった...
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ventana / window 窓
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encima de la puerta / above the gate 戸口の上
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oro / gold 金色(konjiki)
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domo / dome ドーム
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Bosque de columnas 円柱の森