Aztlek: The Virgin of Puerto Carreño looking towards Orinoco river
Aztlek: Puerto Carreño
Aztlek: Sunset in Puerto Carreño
Aztlek: Vain caracara 1
Aztlek: Vain caracara 2
Aztlek: Vain caracara 3
Aztlek: Love and fight on a wire 1
Aztlek: Love and fight on a wire 2
Aztlek: Love and fight on a wire 3
Aztlek: Love and fight on a wire 4
Aztlek: Early in Puerto Carreño
Aztlek: Canoes at dawn
Aztlek: Canoes in Puerto Carreño
Aztlek: Western osprey
Aztlek: Roseate spoonbill in the river Bita
Aztlek: Great egret on the banks of the Bita river
Aztlek: Two caracaras chat while they feed
Aztlek: Snakebird drying its wings
Aztlek: Swallow in the morning
Aztlek: Cocoi heron
Aztlek: Beach on the Bita River 1
Aztlek: Beach on the Bita River 2
Aztlek: Pied plover on the beach
Aztlek: Northern crested caracara
Aztlek: Black corocora 1
Aztlek: Black corocora 2
Aztlek: Black corocora 3
Aztlek: Black corocora 4
Aztlek: Lagoon of Rio Bita 1
Aztlek: Babilla