Aztlek: White flower / Flor blanca
Aztlek: Small purple flowers / Pequeñas flores moradas
Aztlek: Danzarinas
Aztlek: Small blue flower / Pequeña flor azul
Aztlek: Small orange flowers / Pequeñas flores naranja
Aztlek: Daisy / Margarita
Aztlek: Purple / Púrpura
Aztlek: Fuchsia and drops / Fucsia y gotas
Aztlek: Small yellow flower / Pequeña flor amarilla
Aztlek: Espiga
Aztlek: 3D Flowers / Flores 3D
Aztlek: Long flower backlit / Larga flor a contraluz
Aztlek: Small and white / Pequeñas y blancas
Aztlek: Fuchsia Hair / Cabellos fucsia
Aztlek: Frailejón flowers after the rain / Flores de frailejón después de la lluvia
Aztlek: Small yellow maidens / Unas pequeñas doncellas amarillas
Aztlek: Flowers and thorny leaves / Flores y hojas espinosas
Aztlek: Beautiful and elegant flower / Flor bella y elegante
Aztlek: A simple and beautiful blue flower / Una sencilla y hermosa flor azul
Aztlek: More flowers / Más flores
Aztlek: Another of these flowers but in red / Otra de esas flores pero en rojo
Aztlek: Shy Flower / Flor tímida
Aztlek: Flor de frailejón
Aztlek: Frailejón
Aztlek: Unas flores
Aztlek: Emerging from the darkness / Surgiendo de la oscuridad
Aztlek: Frailejon flower
Aztlek: Flower with drops
Aztlek: Iguaque's flower I
Aztlek: Iguaque's flower II