AZ Socks: Just waiting for my glasses now!
AZ Socks: Just waiting for my eye exam to begin!!!
AZ Socks: Finally home after running all of the weekend errands in my (now dirty) white socks!!!
AZ Socks: Sockwalk back to the car!!!
AZ Socks: Last errand of the day???
AZ Socks: Stopping off quickly at the house to drop off the groceries before going out again!
AZ Socks: Nice to be able to shop in Walgreens in my white socks!!!
AZ Socks: test
AZ Socks: For Larry
AZ Socks: test
AZ Socks: test
AZ Socks: test
AZ Socks: test
AZ Socks: What my socks look like after finishing sweeping my back patio of leaves and desert dust.
AZ Socks: I left my shoes at home and stopped off at Circle K before going to work in my white socks. #sockwalking
AZ Socks: Being at work in my socks can make any work day a pleasant one! #socks
AZ Socks: It feels good to be #shoeless on a cold day like today!
AZ Socks: It feels good to #shoeless on a cold day like today!
AZ Socks: I love being in my white socks at work! #ihateshoes
AZ Socks: I'm at the movies waiting to see Tron: Legacy.
AZ Socks: Oh my... It looks like someone went to work in his white Wigwam tube socks and left his shoes at home again!!!
AZ Socks: is at the barber shop waiting to have his hair cut...
AZ Socks: "I owe, I owe, off to work in my white socks I go!"
AZ Socks: This is what my socks looked like after going to Walgreens Pharmacy. I love how they don't have a "shoes required" policy!
AZ Socks: I went out in my socks today for brunch and to run an errand.
AZ Socks: CIMG0107
AZ Socks: CIMG0057
AZ Socks: CIMG0055
AZ Socks: Dirty Work Socks 01
AZ Socks: Dirty Work Socks 02