Douglas H Wood: Mrs. Mary Roberts one of the Starters of the Musum with her Husband John. Taken in 1972 when I reurn Home from Vietnam.
Douglas H Wood: Same as the other but in B&W
Douglas H Wood: Uses of the Past.
Douglas H Wood: Rock Island Caboose (Interior)
Douglas H Wood: Looking at a Lovely Woman or A Locomotive it hard to decide which is more Beautiful!
Douglas H Wood: The Art of a steam generator!
Douglas H Wood: Faded Glory
Douglas H Wood: Rusting away slowly
Douglas H Wood: The Perfect Retirement Home!
Douglas H Wood: PUG Roll-By
Douglas H Wood: E-2_Bi-polar
Douglas H Wood: I brought my Nieces & Nephews .
Douglas H Wood: Story of my Life!
Douglas H Wood: Face Book Posting
Douglas H Wood: A Younger Mrs Mary Roberts
Douglas H Wood: 779px-C&IM551
Douglas H Wood: 696px-Frisco1621
Douglas H Wood: 671_10151395532766021_1430887322_n
Douglas H Wood: 512px-B+O_173_camelback_locomotive
Douglas H Wood: 800px-Aerotrain_1950's_stylin'
Douglas H Wood: 800px-Barretts_Tunnel_1
Douglas H Wood: 800px-ChryslerTurbineEngine01_crop1
Douglas H Wood: The Santa Fe Railroad Lives on.
Douglas H Wood: Twilight Eastbound Z
Douglas H Wood: Motive Power, Idaho
Douglas H Wood: Thomas Rival
Douglas H Wood: One of the Best Artwork's I have ever found.