Douglas H Wood:
Brothers in Harm Way.
Douglas H Wood:
Veteran Day Remembrance
Douglas H Wood:
Shuttling Flats around Conn
Douglas H Wood:
Where has all the Flowers gone!
Douglas H Wood:
Peace to all on this Memorial Day!
Douglas H Wood:
I'm not a Wimp or a Sissy But a Survivor!
Douglas H Wood:
Douglas H Wood:
I & Scotty in West Berlin in 1975
Douglas H Wood:
The Loading
Douglas H Wood:
I study the ages!
Douglas H Wood:
Easter Service, US Army 1976
Douglas H Wood:
Easter Sunrise Service 1976
Douglas H Wood:
While I was Playing War, I spotted a Castle
Douglas H Wood:
The Small but Mighy Navy Tug Boat!
Douglas H Wood:
Re Living the Past!
Douglas H Wood:
Where has all the People Gone!
Douglas H Wood:
I can remember like it just Happen!
Douglas H Wood:
Another Time of my Life.
Douglas H Wood:
Dedicated to the Girl I Left Behind.
Douglas H Wood:
Decisions, decisions!
Douglas H Wood:
As Storm Clouds Gather, Old Glory still Waves!
Douglas H Wood:
A New Chapter in my Life adventure.