azorch: IMG_5553
azorch: IMG_2287
azorch: IMG_4154
azorch: These are the tools you'll need.
azorch: On drawing paper, mark off ABOUT 7 x 11 inches. Maybe try measuring your OWN head first.
azorch: LIGHTLY sketch out the top of the oval as shown here.
azorch: Now LIGHTLY sketch out the bottom of the oval.
azorch: Carefully cut it out.
azorch: You should have something like this.
azorch: Look FIRST, then draw these shapes in approximately the same size and place.
azorch: Start at the edge and cut to the center along the drawn line. Leave paper UNCUT in the middle.
azorch: Add one dot of glue...
azorch: ...bend the paper...
azorch: IMG_7951
azorch: IMG_7953
azorch: hold together until the glue is dry, about a minute.
azorch: Repeat on the other side.
azorch: Cut out a rectangle ABOUT this size.
azorch: Cut an angle...
azorch: ...and create a shape that looks a little like this one.
azorch: Bend it so that it's ROUND, not creased.
azorch: Add one dot of glue...
azorch: ...and hold it in place until dry, about one minute.
azorch: Draw a line as shown.
azorch: Cut a slit.
azorch: Bend inward, then glue together. ALSO, glue down to a second sheet of paper so that you don't lose the curves.
azorch: Cut out another rectangle, about the same size shown here.
azorch: Pencil in a shape similar to this. It looks a little like a mustache, but it's NOT. :)
azorch: Fold in half.
azorch: ...and carefully fold a "dent."