Aziz Hadi: Macro the insect at Sukolilo around DR Apartment, Surabaya.
Aziz Hadi: Macro the insect at Sukolilo around DR Apartment, Surabaya.
Aziz Hadi: Macro the insect at Sukolilo around DR Apartment, Surabaya.
Aziz Hadi: Macro the insect at Sukolilo around DR Apartment, Surabaya.
Aziz Hadi: Macro the insect at Sukolilo around DR Apartment, Surabaya.
Aziz Hadi: Caterpillars.
Aziz Hadi: Workhard Playhard.
Aziz Hadi: Workhard Playhard.
Aziz Hadi: Black Dragonfly.
Aziz Hadi: Come on, let's play.