Elaine Malott Photography:
Elaine Malott Photography:
Elaine Malott Photography:
Sleepy Kitty
Elaine Malott Photography:
Quiet Shombay
Elaine Malott Photography:
Shombay N Kaya
Elaine Malott Photography:
Baheem In The Grass
Elaine Malott Photography:
Elaine Malott Photography:
baheem what do you want
Elaine Malott Photography:
Finley The Grizzly Bear
Elaine Malott Photography:
Shombay Praying
Elaine Malott Photography:
Shombay Bored
Elaine Malott Photography:
Shombay looking Onwards
Elaine Malott Photography:
Elaine Malott Photography:
Enjoying The Sunshine
Elaine Malott Photography:
Sita Yawning
Elaine Malott Photography:
Sleepy Strawberry, Black Bear
Elaine Malott Photography:
Sita Looking
Elaine Malott Photography:
Sita 12-29-15
Elaine Malott Photography:
Shombay Distracted
Elaine Malott Photography:
Baheem looking back
Elaine Malott Photography:
Baheem - Older Shot
Elaine Malott Photography:
Grizzly Bear
Elaine Malott Photography:
Observing Family
Elaine Malott Photography:
Baheem Yawning
Elaine Malott Photography:
King & Queen
Elaine Malott Photography:
Cruz Playing Around
Elaine Malott Photography:
Cayman Gator
Elaine Malott Photography:
Brotherly Kiss
Elaine Malott Photography: