abduzeedo: Early morning sky on the beach....
abduzeedo: Cloudy day in Porto Alegre.... Hot already
abduzeedo: Back home... Nothing like a cinema display with some port wine
abduzeedo: Salad for dinner!
abduzeedo: Churrasco time...that's the legit one..
abduzeedo: Workspace in NYC.... Need to get some work done in a Saturday night... Love that tho
abduzeedo: A little bit cold outside!
abduzeedo: Sushi Time
abduzeedo: I think I'm prepared for the cold! And for some Metal Gear mission too!
abduzeedo: This is what a beautiful day in winter is! Hahahah
abduzeedo: Gotta love the Montreal Weather... Very friendly!
abduzeedo: Keyboard!
abduzeedo: Droid on top of Siri!
abduzeedo: The Golden Gate Bridge 75th anniversary.
abduzeedo: Another one of the Golden Gate Bridge...
abduzeedo: Heading to the Golden Gate Bridge for the fireworks...
abduzeedo: Playing Alan Wake American Nightmare... what a beautiful game!
abduzeedo: Photo from last night watching the fireworks for the Golden Gate Bridge 75th Anniversary.
abduzeedo: New sticker! :)
abduzeedo: Caipirinha time! Because the fruit does not fall far from the tree! :)
abduzeedo: Playing in Pixelmator... getting ready for the Dark Knight Rises :)
abduzeedo: Playing with vectors for a new tee or poster! What do you think?
abduzeedo: Heading to Bakersfield for a legit 4th of July with The Clifford's. Happy holiday to my American friends!
abduzeedo: Abduzeedo looks beautiful in the Nexus 7 with Flipboard.
abduzeedo: Classic Hammer Head by Christian Hosoi!
abduzeedo: Nexus 7 home screen! Love some widgets :)
abduzeedo: WOW... some games look simply incredible...
abduzeedo: My mom in town cooking some Brazilian rice and beans! O bom feijao com arroz :)
abduzeedo: My dad and my brother. Churrasco for Brazilian father's day in SF. Feliz dia dos Pais!