abduzeedo: New Year's eve in family, in the legendary salinesia francesa
abduzeedo: Jay's birthday 2003
abduzeedo: Little Italy,
abduzeedo: Brighton beach
abduzeedo: Caught by the incredible hulk...
abduzeedo: Obligatory London Phone Booth Shot
abduzeedo: @ Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers
abduzeedo: My other two cousins
abduzeedo: My little cousin Rebecca
abduzeedo: Uncle Paulinho and his wife CIda
abduzeedo: Myself...
abduzeedo: The photographer
abduzeedo: @home in Arkansas!
abduzeedo: Thanksgiving
abduzeedo: Light effects!
abduzeedo: Santiago Calatrava's bridge!
abduzeedo: @home with my family
abduzeedo: As the day was dawning!
abduzeedo: Shopping around
abduzeedo: Ghosts
abduzeedo: Family
abduzeedo: 100_1667.JPG
abduzeedo: Christmas at the beach
abduzeedo: CSS Mastery for xmas