azbirdsandblooms: Eastern Phoebe (Life bird, Rare)
azbirdsandblooms: Ovenbird (Rare and Life #343)
azbirdsandblooms: Ruddy Ground-Dove Life #345, Rare,( Doc Photo)
azbirdsandblooms: Black-billed Magpie Life#346
azbirdsandblooms: White-throated Sparrow #rare #life348 #yard144
azbirdsandblooms: Yellow-footed Gull Life #347 Rare
azbirdsandblooms: Harris's Sparrow Life #350, Yard #145, Rare
azbirdsandblooms: Sandhill Cranes Life bird
azbirdsandblooms: Short-billed Gull Life Bird
azbirdsandblooms: Trumpeter Swans Life bird
azbirdsandblooms: Boreal Chickadee Life Bird
azbirdsandblooms: Harlequin Ducks. Life Bird
azbirdsandblooms: Orchard Oriole Life, Yard, and Rare!
azbirdsandblooms: Brown Thrasher- Life, Rare, Yard
azbirdsandblooms: Common Ground Dove-First for yard, Life bird, and rare!
azbirdsandblooms: Rufous-backed Robin (Life, and Rare bird in northern Arizona)
azbirdsandblooms: Tufted Puffin ( Life #358)
azbirdsandblooms: Yellow-crowned Night Heron ( Life Bird)
azbirdsandblooms: Dickcissel (Life and Rare bird)
azbirdsandblooms: Bridled Titmouse (Lifer)
azbirdsandblooms: Arizona Woodpecker (Lifer)
azbirdsandblooms: Mexican Jay (Lifer)
azbirdsandblooms: Little Blue Heron ( Life #331)
azbirdsandblooms: Purple Finch (Life #310)
azbirdsandblooms: Red-Breasted Sapsucker (Life #315)
azbirdsandblooms: Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Life#316, Rare, Yard #128
azbirdsandblooms: Black Vultures (Lifers)
azbirdsandblooms: Juvenile Gray Hawk (Lifer)
azbirdsandblooms: Scaled Quail (Lifer) and Rare
azbirdsandblooms: Rivoli's Hummingbird (Lifer)