azbirdsandblooms: Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Second visit from this rare bird)
azbirdsandblooms: Bronzed Cowbird (Rare) Yard
azbirdsandblooms: Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Life#316, Rare, Yard #128
azbirdsandblooms: Greater White-fronted Goose
azbirdsandblooms: Surf Scoters (continuing Rare birds)
azbirdsandblooms: Scaled Quail (Lifer) and Rare
azbirdsandblooms: White-winged Scoter, Life #309, Rare
azbirdsandblooms: Laughing Gull- Life #308-Rare
azbirdsandblooms: Red-Throated Loon (Rare) Life
azbirdsandblooms: Red-Breasted Nuthatch
azbirdsandblooms: Northern Flicker (Yellow-Shafted) RARE
azbirdsandblooms: Northern Flicker (Yellow-Shafted) RARE
azbirdsandblooms: Cattle Egret (Rare)
azbirdsandblooms: Wood Duck (Rare)
azbirdsandblooms: Broad-Winged Hawk (Life #285) Rare
azbirdsandblooms: Lazuli Bunting rare and #108 for species yard count.
azbirdsandblooms: Red-Shouldered Hawk (#283) rare:
azbirdsandblooms: Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker (rare)
azbirdsandblooms: Black-Legged Kittiwake (Rare) #281 Life Lake Havasu, Arizona, USA
azbirdsandblooms: Northern Waterthrush. Rare #279
azbirdsandblooms: Short-eared Owl- Life #277 Rare (saw 6 fly up from roosting) Water Treatment Plant, Mohave County, Arizona
azbirdsandblooms: Gray Catbird Life Bird #276 (very rare)
azbirdsandblooms: Long-billed Curlews
azbirdsandblooms: Crested Caracara **Very Rare**
azbirdsandblooms: Pacific Loon (rare )
azbirdsandblooms: Pacific Loons (rare)
azbirdsandblooms: Yellow-Billed Loon, (bottom) observed at different location near first Yellow-Billed Loon
azbirdsandblooms: Inca Dove (rare)
azbirdsandblooms: Cattle Egrets
azbirdsandblooms: Willet (rare at this location, this time of year)