Ayush Das Stills & Motion Picture Photography: A woman travels up a hilly slope to fetch firewood
Ayush Das Stills & Motion Picture Photography: An Adivasi woman dries washed clothes
Ayush Das Stills & Motion Picture Photography: A baby boy runs to his mother
Ayush Das Stills & Motion Picture Photography: A woman cleans a play in an Adivasi society
Ayush Das Stills & Motion Picture Photography: The Chennai Police on horses patrol the beach
Ayush Das Stills & Motion Picture Photography: Chennai police at a beach in Chennai
Ayush Das Stills & Motion Picture Photography: Man watches as the train passes him
Ayush Das Stills & Motion Picture Photography: Man selling tea at a train station in Andhra Pradesh
Ayush Das Stills & Motion Picture Photography: People of Calcutta (Kolkata)