@ayn: Titanium yoyo by AntiYo
@ayn: interview
@ayn: Jordon
@ayn: Jordon, before she jumped into pool
@ayn: Jordon in pool lol
@ayn: moy x mrip x hella ugly strippers
@ayn: free bottle of ketel one + red bull
@ayn: wasting the shit with red bull
@ayn: crowd upstairs
@ayn: peeps
@ayn: Clay & gf
@ayn: daily photo
@ayn: daily photo
@ayn: daily photo
@ayn: Self Edge runway show
@ayn: Paul, Self Edge runway show
@ayn: hella illegal
@ayn: chk out those jeans, lol
@ayn: peeps from the future
@ayn: Can Goods tee
@ayn: more partying in our room
@ayn: kiya x skyy
@ayn: skyy
@ayn: more skyy
@ayn: getting wasted
@ayn: self edge
@ayn: smoking it up
@ayn: gonna smoke that shit soon
@ayn: mrip smoking up some self edge
@ayn: jerm did some drunk biking