ayashok photography: Symbol of love
ayashok photography: Banks of Yamuna
ayashok photography: இரு கோடுகள்
ayashok photography: Nightingale
ayashok photography: Story Untold... | மறுபக்கம்
ayashok photography: I like bringing smiles to people's faces.-Jai Rodriguez
ayashok photography: If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.-Mother Teresa
ayashok photography: “We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open.” ― Harry Edwards
ayashok photography: “Never buy your kid a Puzzle that you can't solve!” ― Yatin Patel
ayashok photography: சுமை
ayashok photography: Portrait of HardLife
ayashok photography: There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.- Walt Streightiff
ayashok photography: Yamuna.... her holiness!
ayashok photography: In the world of Women
ayashok photography: Survival in our own way...
ayashok photography: சுமை