cloudz.: [1/4] "Pack the bags quickly! I need them for tomorrow's Blythe meet!"
cloudz.: [2/4] SO MANY ???!!!!
cloudz.: [3/4] "Hurry up and load up the bags into the trunk."
cloudz.: [4/4] These bags are so heavy!
cloudz.: Goody bag items
cloudz.: The CNY goodies Asia had prepared for her new friends
cloudz.: The early birds
cloudz.: LOL! =)
cloudz.: I want them ALL!!!
cloudz.: "Pretty flowers! But they smell funny..."
cloudz.: "I made a pretty new friend!"
cloudz.: "Yay! Another pretty new friend!"
cloudz.: "What! An encore version? You mean she's a copy cat?"
cloudz.: By the wishing well
cloudz.: Giant firecracker
cloudz.: "Hello! I think you're cute! Let's be friends!"
cloudz.: Handmade qipao
cloudz.: Group shot! Then pause for a coffee break.
cloudz.: Deep in thoughts?
cloudz.: Still looking cheerful despite the sweltering sun
cloudz.: Finally taking some shade!
cloudz.: Gentle WMM
cloudz.: SurrealDream's purrrty girls!
cloudz.: Chinatown street deco
cloudz.: "Moo moo cows!"
cloudz.: "Moo moo cows!"
cloudz.: The girls and their CNY goodies
cloudz.: Gorgeous girls!!!
cloudz.: Only 2 of the girls were cross legged
cloudz.: Sharing secrets over kueh bangkit