axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) smile!
axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) see his goodie in mouth
axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) *VIEW SET VIA SLIDESHOW ON FAST* LOL!
axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) side view
axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) close up
axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) checking if anyone saw him pat down his stash
axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) digs hole for his goodie *VIEW SET VIA SLIDESHOW ON FAST* LOL!
axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) still digging
axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) hiding his stash
axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) digging even more..
axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) digging hole for stash
axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) hiding his goodie/stash away
axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) covering his stash
axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) starting to dig to hide stash *VIEW SET VIA SLIDESHOW ON FAST* LOL!
axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) about to dig
axollot: MR Squirrel Finds a Goodie (not a nut) up in the tree