axiepics: log salvage operation
axiepics: bringing the log into shore
axiepics: Dec 25a -110
axiepics: polar bear swim on Christmas day
axiepics: Dec 25a -42
axiepics: Dec 24 tree - 4
axiepics: Dec 24 tree - 3
axiepics: September sunrise
axiepics: early morning swim
axiepics: salad
axiepics: fresh lettuce from rob's garden
axiepics: moving the logs back in
axiepics: April 27 swim
axiepics: almost off the gravel
axiepics: moving along
axiepics: moving logs
axiepics: rolling it in
axiepics: oeanda photo
axiepics: OUCH!...a thorn...
axiepics: tying up the boat
axiepics: row past
axiepics: rowing out past the breakwater
axiepics: paddling in tandem
axiepics: heading out
axiepics: a fine weekend for canoing
axiepics: watching the bomber from the deck
axiepics: out on the log train trail
axiepics: log repairs
axiepics: ...brrrrrrr.....icy cold wading....