axiepics: shed some light...
axiepics: visitors report to office
axiepics: ...let's slide away from it all...
axiepics: 12/26...carriage ride
axiepics: 12/24...parliament buildings
axiepics: 12/25...parliament buildings
axiepics: harvestor 1
axiepics: harvestor 2
axiepics: harvestor 3
axiepics: ...and in with the new...
axiepics: mural victoria harbour
axiepics: Queen Victoria at the legislature
axiepics: stained glass cathedral windows
axiepics: ...Lord of the Dance...
axiepics: cathedral pipe organ
axiepics: pipe organ b&w
axiepics: church candles
axiepics: light on flower vase
axiepics: pipe organ detail 1
axiepics: pipe organ detail 2
axiepics: pipe organ detail 3
axiepics: the cathedral looking skyward
axiepics: dog on the beach
axiepics: victoria harbour
axiepics: Red Lion Inn
axiepics: Have a good Thanksgiving weekend!
axiepics: spiral
axiepics: woolly mammoth
axiepics: Sooke