axiepics: loggers' sports
axiepics: on the fringe
axiepics: tree chopping
axiepics: pairs contest - tree chopping
axiepics: women's double bucking
axiepics: ready to climb?
axiepics: first one up and down wins...
axiepics: rapid descent
axiepics: swing it!
axiepics: bull's eye
axiepics: axe throwing
axiepics: log rolling
axiepics: down and out
axiepics: he's down!
axiepics: trashed swimming pool - chernobyl
axiepics: ""...
axiepics: the last sports lesson...
axiepics: ...remnants of sports lessons...chornobyl
axiepics: tentative "figures"
axiepics: goalie
axiepics: "keep your eye on the ball!"
axiepics: no-no! have to kick the ball too!
axiepics: flashing by
axiepics: ATV riding
axiepics: women's chopping event
axiepics: balancing act
axiepics: race past the wire fence
axiepics: the racing track
axiepics: mud race
axiepics: airborne