Wordy Nerdy: The lovely no-longer-a-steamer Charles M. Beeghly sneaking up behind Cathy K.
Wordy Nerdy: That Barry H. takes a nice picture, doesn’t he?
Wordy Nerdy: The Thompson Twins entering the Mac
Wordy Nerdy: If I had Photo Shop & were talented at such things, I’d change this sign to Ugly Lakes Towing.
Wordy Nerdy: The Thompson Twins in the Mac from the Lock gates
Wordy Nerdy: Keith G-D & Dave on the other side of the Poe
Wordy Nerdy: Herb & Fred S. on the other side of the Poe
Wordy Nerdy: Beeghly’s line handler walking up the steps, following the Beeghly with a lead line
Wordy Nerdy: Second Cook Khiet R. & her fantail club
Wordy Nerdy: Second Cook Khiet R.
Wordy Nerdy: Ted F, & I while the Beeghly was raising
Wordy Nerdy: The whole configuration reminded me of a face with very curly eyelashes
Wordy Nerdy: Lovely steamers Montrealais & Kaye E. Barker
Wordy Nerdy: Lovely steamer Montrealais entering the Mac
Wordy Nerdy: Lovely steamer Montrealais’ line handlers
Wordy Nerdy: Lovely steamer Montrealais’ trailing line handler
Wordy Nerdy: Lovely steamer Montrealais’ name
Wordy Nerdy: Close up of the old lettering