awilderworld: Grey in grey
awilderworld: Scratching an itch
awilderworld: Parenting according to grebes IV
awilderworld: Parenting according to grebes III
awilderworld: Parenting according to grebes
awilderworld: Parenting according to grebes II
awilderworld: Look at me!
awilderworld: Breakfast is served
awilderworld: Get out of my runway!
awilderworld: Tandem flight
awilderworld: More singing!
awilderworld: Willow warbler
awilderworld: Yellow wagtail
awilderworld: Lapwings, gulls and sunset
awilderworld: Lapwings and sunset
awilderworld: Amost monochrome sunset
awilderworld: Mirror mirror...
awilderworld: Tug of war
awilderworld: The dive II
awilderworld: The dive I
awilderworld: This way! No, this way! Wait, wait...
awilderworld: Pochard
awilderworld: After the rain
awilderworld: Singing your heart out.
awilderworld: Looking here and there
awilderworld: Looking for breakfast
awilderworld: Sparlüs
awilderworld: Reflections (magic mirror)
awilderworld: Parent & offspring