patrickevanshylton: Prepping in the kitchen lab for the competition
patrickevanshylton: Prepping in the kitchen lab for the competition
patrickevanshylton: Prepping in the kitchen lab for the competition
patrickevanshylton: Prepping in the kitchen lab for the competition
patrickevanshylton: Prepping in the kitchen lab for the competition
patrickevanshylton: Prepping in the kitchen lab for the competition
patrickevanshylton: Prepping in the kitchen lab for the competition
patrickevanshylton: Prepping in the kitchen lab for the competition
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Competition entry
patrickevanshylton: Culinary Institute of Virginia chef Mike Morphew addresses CIV students at the competition
patrickevanshylton: Culinary Institute of Virginia chef John Maxwell addresses CIV students at the competition