awphot: _D3M0174a
awphot: _D3M4244
awphot: Lunch break
awphot: _D3M5886
awphot: fascination
awphot: power napping
awphot: tea for two
awphot: a. The performer
awphot: b. A helping hand
awphot: c. The Audience
awphot: d. Family day out
awphot: e. waiting for the fall
awphot: f. enthralled
awphot: g. waiting his turn
awphot: h. lunchtime
awphot: i. music while you eat
awphot: j. just people watching
awphot: j. lunch break
awphot: k. business meeting ?
awphot: k. Nelsons base
awphot: l. Grabbing a minute between meetings
awphot: l. where to next
awphot: m. bored and tired
awphot: n. where did they say they were going
awphot: o. the obligatory "selfie"
awphot: p. probably checking the selfie
awphot: Jacobs Ladder
awphot: Lunchtime break from sightseeing
awphot: Best of British !
awphot: Ladies who lunch !