awmc1: Ely Cathedral - ship of the fens
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awmc1: Ely Cathedral - octagon tower 3
awmc1: Ely Cathedral detail 1
awmc1: Ely Cathedral detail 2
awmc1: Ely Cathedral detail 3
awmc1: Ely Cathedral - Elijah
awmc1: Ely Cathedral tower 3
awmc1: Ely Cathedral Victorian Glass
awmc1: Ely Cathedral High Altar
awmc1: Ely Cathedral Norman-Romaesque
awmc1: Ely Cathedral - Noah
awmc1: Ely Cathedral Norman Detail 2
awmc1: Ely Cathedral Norman Detail 1
awmc1: Ely Cathedral West End
awmc1: Cathedral Close
awmc1: Ely Cathedral tower 2
awmc1: Ely Cathedral tower 1
awmc1: Ely Cathedral East End
awmc1: Ely Cathedral - Octagon Tower 2
awmc1: Ely Cathedral - Octagon Tower 1
awmc1: Ship of the Fens