AWM Photography: Untitled
AWM Photography: Agent Smith Redux
AWM Photography: Light Beams
AWM Photography: The Wizard
AWM Photography: Shot through the heart
AWM Photography: Light Head
AWM Photography: Flame Dance
AWM Photography: Electrician
AWM Photography: It's raining light!
AWM Photography: This isn't what I ordered!
AWM Photography: Catching the light ball, only to be stabbed in the side
AWM Photography: Green fire
AWM Photography: Magic Missle?
AWM Photography: Oops he dropped the light...
AWM Photography: Light Art composite poster (printed 6'x4')
AWM Photography: Golden ratio
AWM Photography: Light engraving
AWM Photography: Strobe 2
AWM Photography: Strobe 3
AWM Photography: Puppet of the Light
AWM Photography: I'm a daisy!