awesome_sauce: Mitchell, SD
awesome_sauce: Mitchell, SD
awesome_sauce: Mitchell, SD
awesome_sauce: Mitchell, SD
awesome_sauce: Mitchell, SD
awesome_sauce: Detail of Petrified Wood
awesome_sauce: Detail of Petrified Wood
awesome_sauce: Pressure!
awesome_sauce: IMG_1991
awesome_sauce: Detail of Petrified Wood
awesome_sauce: IMG_1993
awesome_sauce: IMG_1994
awesome_sauce: Detail of Petrified Wood
awesome_sauce: IMG_1996
awesome_sauce: IMG_1997
awesome_sauce: Really?
awesome_sauce: Detail of Petrified Wood
awesome_sauce: IMG_2000
awesome_sauce: IMG_2001
awesome_sauce: IMG_2002
awesome_sauce: Pink Granite
awesome_sauce: IMG_2004
awesome_sauce: IMG_2005
awesome_sauce: IMG_2006
awesome_sauce: Petrified Forest
awesome_sauce: Petrified Forest
awesome_sauce: Petrified Forest
awesome_sauce: Petrified Forest
awesome_sauce: Petrified Forest