Awesome Photography: Merry Christmas from Texas!!
Awesome Photography: Bushland TX Post Office 79012
Awesome Photography: The Leaning Tower of Britten
Awesome Photography: Texas Longhorn
Awesome Photography: 2nd Largest Cross in the Western Hemisphere
Awesome Photography: The Last Supper / Crosses on Calvary
Awesome Photography: Palo Duro Canyon
Awesome Photography: Palo Duro Canyon 08-08-08
Awesome Photography: Groom Cross
Awesome Photography: Groom Cross
Awesome Photography: AT-401B Crop Duster
Awesome Photography: AT-401B Crop Duster
Awesome Photography: Palo Duro Panorama
Awesome Photography: Ring-Billed Gull
Awesome Photography: Canadian Goose In Flight
Awesome Photography: Mallard In Flight
Awesome Photography: Alaskan Sampler In Action
Awesome Photography: American Wigeon
Awesome Photography: Crested Duck
Awesome Photography: Mallard Landing
Awesome Photography: Ring-Billed Gull
Awesome Photography: Ring-Billed Gull
Awesome Photography: Mallard Landing
Awesome Photography: Canadian Geese Landing