Awesoman: Housewarming Bash
Awesoman: Housewarming Bash
Awesoman: Housewarming Bash
Awesoman: Housewarming Bash
Awesoman: This little (potentially stray) cat randomly shows up at my door. I usually let it in to visit. Very friendly cat.
Awesoman: This little (potentially stray) cat randomly shows up at my door. I usually let her in to visit. Very friendly cat.
Awesoman: Bubbles the Kitty
Awesoman: Bubbles the Kitty
Awesoman: Bubbles lounging.
Awesoman: Bubbles lounging.
Awesoman: Fun with Bubbles the cat
Awesoman: More fun with Bubbles.
Awesoman: More fun with Bubbles.
Awesoman: Bubbles sitting on my lap.
Awesoman: It's Bubbles!
Awesoman: Bubbles the Kitty
Awesoman: Snowpacalypse 2015
Awesoman: Bubbles brought over a friend...
Awesoman: Bubbles and friend...
Awesoman: Is this Ricky...?
Awesoman: Bubbles and her friend
Awesoman: Bubbles and her friend
Awesoman: Bubbles and her friend
Awesoman: Bubbles squares off with another kitty
Awesoman: Bubbles VS Shoe
Awesoman: Bubbles pretty much thinks she lives here.
Awesoman: Bubbles staring at the kitchen.
Awesoman: She really likes that kitchen...
Awesoman: Mine!!!
Awesoman: Bubbles returns!